Monday, May 30, 2011

Summer is here!

Well somehow I knew the weather would be cold and then walla hot as heck, lol.  But that's ok I will get outside early and late to aviod the humid hot.  Garden is finally growing shouldn't have to take my plants inside unless it storms bad.  Yes I have a portable garden for the most part because the time it takes to grow and the animal around here love my plants every plant is off the ground.

My son's family just moved to the country with alot of land and huge garage so I will probably set up shop and large garden there, take care of both my passions jewelry and earth!

So I just finished my first semester at college and finished with a 3.93 gpa, this is the first time I have gone to school in 31 yrs, so I am proud I pushed myself outside my box. Summer school starts next week, yippie, lol

Planning on doing more outside shows and markets.  Planning on doing a trade show in fall or spring.  I guess that is why I did so good in school because it had to do with business. 

So wishing and my friends and family a very happy and safe holiday.   

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